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Das Bild zeigt einen Mann mittleren Alters, der einen älteren Mann, der in einem Treppensteiger mit integrierter Sitzeinheit sitzt, die Außentreppe eines Hauses hinunterbefördert. Im Hintergrund steht ein Fahrzeug für den Personentransport / Flughafentransport.


The efficient stair climber
The picture shows a middle-aged man, wearing sunglasses, driving through a pedestrian zone on a summer day in his wheelchair with an auxiliary drive for self-propelled driving. The add-on drive is black and installed in the wheels as a wheel hub drive.


The efficient stair climber



To transport people with less mobility or in their own wheelchair is a particularly challenge in many respects. In many buildings staircases have to overcome not only in the entrance area.

With the S-MAX SELLA VARIO, we offer you a unique solution especially developed to meet these requirements. Our device combination features two options to cover different transport situations. Our innovative solution ensures an effortless and safe transport, whether you want to transport a person by using the integrated seat unit or by using the universal rack to attach a wheelchair.

In addition, the S-MAX SELLA VARIO can be used indoors and outdoors as well as on a wide variety of stair surfaces such as wood, stone, metal, PVC or carpeting without any problems.



Das Bild zeigt die zwei Anwendungsvarianten des Treppensteiger s-max sella vario. Links ist der Treppensteiger mit angebauter Universalaufnahme zur Aufnahme der Rollstuhlräder zu sehen. Rechts ist der Treppensteiger mit integrierter Rückenlehne und Sitzeinheit zu sehen, mit der mobilitätseingeschränkte Personen transportiert werden können. Ein Pfeil in der Mitte der Darstellung zeigt, dass die beiden Varianten ausgetauscht werden können. Die Antriebseinheit bleibt immer dieselbe.
*illustration may differ

Usable on spiral staircases

Thanks to its maneuverability the s-max sella vario is also suitable for spiral staircases.

Automatic braking function

The automatic braking function when descending is part of our safety concept.

Easy exchange of the options

The two handle units can be exchanged in only a few steps.

Auf dem Bild ist das Bediengerät des Treppensteigers zu sehen. Die Person, die den Treppensteiger bedient, drückt mit dem Daumen den Auf- und Ab-Schalter in Richtung abwärts. Außerdem ist der Geschwindigkeitsregler, der Ein-/Aus-Schalter und der Sicherheitschip zu sehen.

Unique ergonomics

Our control unit has been specially designed to provide you with maximum comfort during the climbing process - whether climbing up or down the stairs. With ease, you can use the control unit to activate or deactivate the stair climber, adjust the speed continuously or decide whether you want to go up or down the stairs.

The control handle also features a safety chip which ensures that the stair climber is only used by authorized persons. Therefore, you can always be sure that your stair climber remains in safe hands, even if you temporarily leave it in the hallway of an apartment building, at the doctor's office or in another public location.

In service of your safety

The stair climber has an integrated LED light on the lower part of the drive unit. This function provides optimum illumination of the steps even in poor lighting conditions. This is particularly important in bigger staircases with an automatic light control system.

One of the most outstanding features of our safety concept is the automatic braking function when descending. This innovative technology prevents the stair climber from being pushed too far over the edge of the stairs. The brakes activate on every step, ensuring optimum safety every time the stair climber is used.

Das Bild zeigt den Steigvorgang der Treppenhilfe s-max sella vario. Der Steigfuß ist ausgefahren und setzt bereits auf der unteren Treppenstufe auf. Die Sicherheitsbremsen, welche am großen Laufrad befestigt sind, setzen am Stufenrand auf und schützen so vor einem abwärtsrollen. Die LED-Leuchte erhellt die Treppenstufen.
Das Bild zeigt eine Detailaufnahme der Antriebseinheit des Treppensteiger s-max sella vario. Man sieht den Drehgriff zur Griffmontage sowie die Folientastatur, auf welcher der ComfortStep sowie die Einzelstufenschaltung ein- und ausgeschaltet werden kann. Außerdem leuchtet die Akkuanzeige grün.

Climbing stairs newly definied

With the Comfort Step, the climbing dynamics of the s-max sella vario has been revolutionized and offers you an unrivaled comfort experience.

For you as a user, this results in an extremely pleasant and low-vibration climbing process. The Comfort Step is a serial feature of every s-max sella vario and works in single step mode as well as in the permanent climbing mode.

Wheelchair transport with universal rack

With the wheelchair universal rack we have developed a special solution to transport as many different wheelchair models as possible. You do not need an additional bracket on the wheelchair itself, as the universal rack is suitable for almost all wheelchairs in different seat widths. This is particularly advantageous for transporting patients and persons (e. g. taxi services, passenger transport or ambulance services) as different patients will be transported with their individual wheelchairs.

The wheelchair is attached effortlessly by driving onto the lower bracket, while the backrest of the wheelchair is securely locked in place by the upper bracket. This way, a stable and reliable transport is ensured.

Das Bild zeigt einen Mann mittleren Alters, der eine Frau im Rollstuhl über Treppen innerhalb eines Hauses befördert. Der Rollstuhl wurde hierzu auf die Aufnahmeschuhe des Treppensteiger s-max in Kombination mit der Universalaufnahme SDM7 geschoben.
Das Bild zeigt einen Mann mittleren Alters, der einen älteren Mann, der in einem Treppensteiger mit integrierter Sitzeinheit sitzt, die Außentreppe eines Hauses hinunterbefördert. Im Hintergrund steht ein Fahrzeug für den Personentransport / Flughafentransport.

Transport with integrated seat unit

The integrated seat unit of the S-MAX SELLA VARIO can be used to comfortably and safely transport persons who have walking difficulties or especially difficulties with climbing stairs.

The maximum load capacity of the S-MAX SELLA VARIO depends on the transportation option. For further technical details, please refer to "More information" at the end of this webpage.

Das Bild zeigt die zwei Anwendungsvarianten des Treppensteiger s-max sella vario. Links ist der Treppensteiger mit angebauter Universalaufnahme zur Aufnahme der Rollstuhlräder zu sehen. Rechts ist der Treppensteiger mit integrierter Rückenlehne und Sitzeinheit zu sehen, mit der mobilitätseingeschränkte Personen transportiert werden können. Ein Pfeil in der Mitte der Darstellung zeigt, dass die beiden Varianten ausgetauscht werden können. Die Antriebseinheit bleibt immer dieselbe.



The right features and reliable functionality are essential factors when searching for the right medical aid. Discover the difference and be inspired by our S-MAX SELLA VARIO. For more product information, please use the download links below.

115 kg

Permissible passenger weight*

* Version universal rack
23 steps

climbing speed / minute

375 steps

maximum / battery charge

More information


User manual


aid number

special supply

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is the S-MAX SELLA VARIO?

The S-MAX SELLA VARIO is a stair climber that has both an integrated seat unit and a universal holder for wheelchairs.

Which areas of application is the S-MAX SELLA VARIO suitable for?

It can be used both indoors and outdoors on various stair surfaces such as wood, stone, metal and carpet.

How is the brake function of the S-MAX SELLA VARIO activated?

The automatic braking function engages when travelling downwards and ensures a secure hold on every edge of the stairs.

Is the S-MAX SELLA VARIO suitable for different wheelchairs?

Yes, the universal holder makes it possible to transport wheelchairs of different models without the need for additional brackets.

How many steps can the S-MAX SELLA VARIO climb on one battery charge?

The S-MAX SELLA VARIO with integrated handle/seat unit can climb up to 375 steps on one battery charge.
(Range with one battery charge with an average load of 75 kg)

How easy is it to convert the S-MAX SELLA VARIO?

Converting between the seat unit and universal holder is done in just a few simple steps.

Who do I contact if my AAT product is defective?

We are also there for you after providing you with your AAT product! The fast, reliable and competent support of our service center in combination with the personal on-site service of our sales representatives always ensure your unrestricted mobility. Just contact AAT directly.

Phone: +49(0) 7431 12 95-550
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Outside Germany, our foreign representatives responsible for your country will be happy to assist you too.

What is the Comfort Step and what advantages does it offer?

The Comfort Step revolutionises the climbing kinematics of the stair climber and ensures a comfortable, low-vibration climbing process, whether in single step or continuous climbing mode.