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Sustainability in focus

AAT strives to operate in a way that contributes to sustainable development, considering economic, environmental and social issues. We are working to develop our company in a responsible way in order to help create a sustainable future for upcoming generations.

Sustainability is present throughout all our activities and aims to ensure that AAT is recognized as a good social actor that respects appropriate rules and laws, good business ethics and clear values. This policy applies to all employees, contractors and suppliers.

Furthermore, AAT has a "Sustainability Team" consisting of employees from different departments. This allows a wide range of experience and perspectives to be combined to advance the issue of sustainability within the company.

In addition to the initiatives of the "Sustainability Team", AAT also encourages its employees to contribute their own ideas and suggestions to improve sustainability in the company. This can include reducing resource consumption, improving processes or promoting employee health. In this way, every employee can actively contribute to the company's sustainability.

The three "P" of AAT

Das Bild zeigt eine Gruppe junger Auszubildender und Mitarbeiter, die gemeinsam mit ihrer Ausbildungs- und Personalleitung in der Mittagspause Tischkicker spielen. Alle lachen und haben Spaß.

The foundations of our culture are respect for the equality of all people, openness and honesty.

Das Bild zeigt eine offene Hand, die in der Mitte eine Glaskugel hält, in welcher sich ein grüner Wald spiegelt. Dieses Bild soll für die Natur stehen, die AAT schützen möchte.

AAT strives to protect economic resources and reduce the consumption of resources.

We promote a culture of innovation, flexibility and growth.

More information

  • People

    AAT is successful through competent and committed employees. Health and a good working environment are a high priority at AAT, and our approach to health and safety is systematic and long-term.

    All employees and partners contribute to a healthy corporate culture. We encourage engagement and promote expertise at all levels of the organization.

    AAT annually assesses the performance of all employees, conducts employee surveys and takes actions where needed. We respect social and cultural diversity and strive to attract and retain the best talents in the market.

  • Planet

    AAT takes responsibility for the society in which we operate, for people and the environment, and creates opportunities for a sustainable future. We work in a structured way to reduce the company's impact on the environment. We are working to improve our processes to manage environmental impact throughout the whole life cycle of a product, and to find sustainable alternatives in materials.

    AAT strives to conserve economic resources and reduce resource consumption. This includes financial, natural and human resources to minimize the overall impact of our operations on the environment.

  • Profit

    Economic growth and profitability are essential for the further development of our company. We promote a culture of innovation, flexibility and growth. This increases our opportunities to achieve sustainable development.
    Our Code of Conduct enables us to ensure that we run our business in a safe, professional, ethical and responsible manner. For example, we have zero tolerance for all forms of corruption, we follow the rules of competition, we comply with the law, and we protect basic human rights both at our company and at our suppliers.

Our certficates

Green Dot