How to receive a AAT product
Within Germany via health insurance
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to receive our high-quality AAT products. For this reason, we have created a detailed guide that accompanies you through every step of the process.
Discover not only interesting information on product demonstration, prescription and reimbursement, but also many other topics related to your medical device. You will find all relevant information you need for a smooth request and delivery within this guide.
Our detailed guide is also available as a PDF-Download, so you can focus on what really matters: Improving your quality of life and achieving your goals.
To make the process even easier for you to understand, we have created various case studies that illustrate typical approval processes, including possible rejections and objections.
An individual and personal consultation is our first priority. Therefore, AAT offers you a dense network of qualified sales representatives throughout Germany, who will be happy to advise you on all questions regarding the selection of the aid.
Of course you can also contact one of our certified medical supply store partners. We cooperate with more than 1500 partners throughout Germany - surely there is also one in your area!
You are not located in Germany? Then please contact our worldwide partner companies via the following Button. Your supply with our AAT products will be handled differently than within Germany.
To ensure that you receive the most suitable tool for your needs, we offer demonstrations of our products. Our competent sales representatives or the trained staff of our specialist retail partners offer you the opportunity to test the desired AAT product directly on site. This allows you to see the functions and handling for yourself.
Our sales representatives will be happy to fill out a prescription recommendation and a demonstration voucher with a letter of justification, which you can take with you to your GP or specialist doctor to apply for a prescription.
Request prescription
Once you have decided on the right AAT product, please contact your family doctor or specialist. He or she is your contact for issuing the appropriate prescription and will prescribe the desired product. To ensure that you receive the high-quality AAT product that you have successfully tried at home, the prescription should already contain the correct product name.
To make it easier to obtain a prescription, we recommend that you hand in a copy of the demonstration receipt together with the letter of justification and the prescription recommendation that you received from our staff during the demonstration to your doctor.
Your doctor may contact you again afterwards to fill out a consultation form for your health insurance company to confirm the necessity of the medical aid. Do not let this unsettle you. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need support.
We are also happy to support your doctor via the following link.
Passing on the prescription
Please take the prescription issued by your doctor to your local medical supply store. The specialized retailer will prepare a quotation on the basis of the prescription and submit it to your health insurance company or to the cost carrier responsible for you. As soon as the cost carrier grants approval, your specialized retailer will order the required medical device, which will then be delivered by us as quickly as possible.
In the following, we explain how you can proceed in the event of a rejection.
Optional: Independent assistance
Health insurers are not always able to decide whether a requested medical device is medically necessary or not on their own. In such cases, the insurance company will appoint a medical aid consultant. This consultant is supposed to check the need for aids on site and advises the patient. In case of doubt, the insurance company may also involve the Medical Service of the Health Insurance (MDK). The MDK provides independent, expert support to the insurance companies through medically and nursing trained personnel.
Authorisation by the health insurance company
As soon as the funding organisation has given its approval, your specialist dealer will order the desired aid, which will then be delivered by them or us as quickly as possible.
In the box below, we explain how you can proceed in the event of a rejection.
Optional: Rejection by the health insurance company
It may happen that your health insurance company initially refuses to cover the costs of the medical aid you have applied for. There may be various reasons for this, such as insufficient medical necessity or lack of documentation. Don't let this discourage you!
You have the right to appeal against the decision. In this case, we recommend that you compile all the necessary documents and justifications and submit the appeal as soon as possible. If you have any questions or need support, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.
At the bottom of this page you will find further information on the legal entitlement, aids in care homes or the application for care aids. You are also welcome to read our latest article:
Order & delivery
The delivery of the selected device is either carried out by our sales representatives or by one of our trained medical supply store partners. A detailed training on handling the product for you or the operator is of course included in the delivery. This ensures that you are able to use the device in the most effective way and obtain the optimum benefit.
Cost contribution
All AAT products are approved by the health insurance companies and are therefore completely reimbursable. However, the legislator stipulates co-payments by the insurants for certain services. There are three different types of financial participation: Co-payment, personal contribution or economic surcharge. You can find more details below.
On-site service
We are also there for you after providing you with your AAT product! The fast, reliable and competent support of our service center in combination with the personal on-site service of our sales representatives always ensure your unrestricted mobility. Just contact your medical supply store or AAT directly.
Our detailed guide is also available as a PDF-Download, so you can focus on what really matters: Improving your quality of life and achieving your goals.

The legal basis for the supply of medical aids is very extensive. The main relevant provision is located in the Fifth Book of the German Social Code (SGB V). Section § 33 regulates the entitlement to the provision of medical aids, if they aim to
- ensure the success of medical treatment or
- prevent an impending disability or
- compensate a disability
The decisive factor here is that the medical device in each individual case helps the disabled person by eliminating or alleviating the effects of the disability - even if this is done by facilitating care by a third party.
Further information can be found, for example, at:

Medical aids in nursing homes
In the event of illness, nursing home residents may be entitled to the provision of medical aids. If the medical aid serves to satisfy individual basic needs, the nursing home is not obliged to provide it, but the health insurance is. Examples are:
- customized medical aids that are specifically intended for an individual person and may only be used for or by that person.
- medical aids that serve to satisfy a basic need outside the nursing home.
These include, for example, outdoor activities or going on excursions with relatives and friends. The entitlement to an electric add-on drive or a pushing and braking aid can therefore also exist during a stay in a nursing home.
Further information can be found, for example, at:

Application as a nursing aid
Basically, mobile stair climbers can also be classified within the framework of long-term nursing insurance. As part of the provision of § 40 SGB XI (the law of the legal long-term nursing care insurance), the entitlements to the provision of nursing aids and measures to improve the living environment are regulated.
A prerequisite is that the persons concerned are in need of care. This is usually proven by the corresponding care level.
Since the provision of a nursing aid is always subordinate to the provision of medical aids by the health insurance fund, the health insurance fund must check whether there is a claim under health insurance law in accordance with § 33 of the German Social Code, Book V first - and only then a claim for a nursing aid can be considered.
We will be happy to help you here as well. Please contact the AAT sales representative responsible for your area.

A guide for the application
Our aid guide is your valuable companion when it comes to applying for the right AAT product for you. With clearly structured information, we support you every step of the way, from the initial consultation to the final approval and delivery of your assistive technology device.
The guide not only provides you with an overview of the necessary steps, but also helpful tips to ensure you are fully prepared. In our blog post on the aid guide, we combine a step-by-step guide with legal information.

Cost contribution
All AAT products are recognized and fully reimbursable aids by the health insurance companies. However, the legislator provides for co-payments by the insured for certain services. There are now three different types of financial participation:
a) Co-payment
In principle, every member of a statutory insurance scheme must make co-payments for medical aids after the age of 18. This co-payment amounts to 10% of the amount covered by the health insurance fund for each aid, but no less than €5 and no more than €10, but no more than the cost of the aid.
b) Own contribution
The personal contribution is charged for medical aids that are not only used to compensate for disability or for medical treatment, but also represent a "commodity of daily use", i.e. which would also have to be procured if there were no physical disability.
c) Economic additional payment
If insured persons choose an aid or additional services that go beyond what is "necessary", i.e. beyond the health insurance funds' obligation to provide benefits, it is still possible to obtain this higher-value aid by means of an "economic surcharge". This must be approved individually by the cost bearer.