Thomas Schönborn, brand ambassador
Brand ambassador since April 2023
Simmern, Germany
Basketball, Programming, Videoediting
Mit der Gepäcktasche unterwegs zum Einkaufen
Eight years have passed and I have finally received my own BATEC HYBRID 2 handbike and afterwards I'm a bit frustrated that I didn't try to get a own handbike sooner. I can hardly describe how much freedom and independence the handbike offers me.
I live in a rural area and previously I used to get around in my wheelchair a lot to keep myself fit. Sometimes I was able to drive 15 - 20 km in the hills of the "Hunsrück", but afterwards I was really exhausted and everything ached for days.
Thanks to the handbike, I have almost unlimited possibilities now. I go shopping several times a week (the big carring bag is perfect for this) and even take extra long routes or visit the stores that are the furthest away. It's simply fun and keeps me fit at the same time.
Due to the different support levels or the manual mode, you can choose the optimal level of training. If I'm not feeling so well physically, I simply switch to level 3 at maximum power support so I don't have to force myself - but still have the exercise which is always positive for me.
What I like most about the BATEC is its robust construction and the great design. Many handbikes appear very thin and fragile, but with the stable BATEC, driving off-road is no problem. Thanks to the clever docking system, it can be attached and detached very quickly and is extremely secure at the same time. For the mounting of the bracket, I travelled to Albstadt and enjoyed a friendly on-site service as well as a guided tour through the company while the bracket was mounted onto my wheelchair. I'm also very happy with AATs service so far.
My summary:
"Too bad I didn't had the BATEC HYBRID 2 earlier - but from now on I will enjoy every trip with it."

About me
Hi, I'm Thomas and I've regained a huge amount of freedom since spring 2023.
But first, I would like to tell you a little bit more about myself. Back in March 2015, I had a serious motorcycle accident which left me paralyzed from the chest down (TH4). I actually accepted my new situation very quickly and tried to get as fit as possible while I was in rehabilitation. I also tried riding a handbike for the first time there, and I really enjoyed it.
Apart from that, I also like to play basketball, watch series, code a program for an online soccer manager game for fun and enjoy creating short videos for Instagram or Tiktok.